AUTMHQ's Impact
Initially, the primary goal of Austin Urban Technology Movement (AUTMHQ)events to help people find work and get into tech.
Along the way, AUTMHQ has transformed ideas about the delivery of workforce development and removing barriers within the community. AUTMHQ is reshaping the technology industry and making its underrepresented groups a self-sustaining and long-lasting presence.
AUTMHQ's Timeline

Austin Urban Technology Movement (AUTMHQ) originated from an association of Black tech leaders seeking advancement opportunities for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities in the technology industry.
AUTMHQ incorporated into a Texas nonprofit status and later earned a federal
501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Our previous work amplified the importance of our mission to increase diversity & inclusion in tech.
AUTMHQ expanded its Tech Ecosystem by partnering with stakeholders like the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, Microsoft, and AT&T to increase diversity in tech and expand digital equity.
We solidified ourselves as a leader across the workforce development tech industry. We announced our collaboration with Workforce Solutions to lift 10,000 residents out of poverty by upskilling. We also initiated collaborations with NI, IBM, and the U.S. Department of Labor.